Goddess: A Femme Domme Erotica Novel Read online

Page 4

  Roth was indeed correct. I was virtually out of time.

  Tidy stacks of paper were ready for my retrieval on the console table in my office opposite my desk. I had placed them there and was glad I had done so. Had I not, perhaps they too would have fallen prey to sabotage by Mr. Roth as the Shareholders’ materials had been. I only had to make it through one more confrontation with him for the day before I was freed from the cruelty he consistently subjected me to. I secretly desired to have my revenge on him in the most degrading way possible.

  Someone like Mr. Roth definitely needed to be knocked off the pedestal he had placed himself on. If I had my way, it would be me.


  During the Associate Attorneys’ meeting, business went on as usual. Mr. Roth hardly sparing me a glance as I scribbled notes onto my steno pad, concentrating on the words so I could get them right. I had no intention of letting him defeat me. I was stronger than that, and I would not allow him the victory he so desired. That much I was determined to do.

  The attorneys droned on. Discussing their cases and highlighting the difficult parts they needed input on. Mr. Roth spoke with a commanding presence as he addressed each matter in turn. His authority overwhelming the room. I was still reeling from our earlier conversation, but used my task of taking notes to keep myself grounded.

  My thoughts wandered to another world where I was in control. A place where no one could treat me with such disrespect as Mr. Roth. Thoughts of a powerful attorney bound in shackles on his knees before a black table with instruments of punishment danced through my head.

  His head bowed and whispers of obedient response echoed through the back of my mind. I almost laughed out loud when the sound of leather striking flesh pierced my thoughts. I looked at Mr. Roth out of the corner of my eye. He appeared to notice my demeanor and his face reflected a look of curiosity. He continued speaking and with each word, the man in bondage in my mind received another blow.

  When the meeting concluded, I felt the relief flow over me. Knowing that my day was winding down and I would be in the safety of my apartment soon gave me comfort. On any other day, I would be dreading the commute and taking my time getting out the door, but today, I had had my fill of Mr. Roth and longed to be far away from his influence. Today, I was even looking forward to sitting in the impossible traffic on the 101.

  The Board Room was empty, save one executive assistant, left to clean up. Almost automatically, I gathered the documents strewn across the table and placed them in a stack on one end. I carefully poured the water from the glass pitchers that had not been consumed into the sink in the kitchen area on the far end of the room. Rinsing and towel drying them before putting them away. Slowly and methodically, I continued making the Board Room appear as no one had been in there all day. I picked up the stack of discarded paperwork and, with one final glance over my shoulder, left the Board Room for the last time for the day. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I stole a glance at the clock on the wall and realized I had less than an hour left before I could escape.

  I headed back to my office to review my notes and type up the minutes from the meeting. Mr. Roth had an unrealistic expectation of having the Associate Attorneys’ minutes the following morning, despite the meeting being held late in the day. Good thing I type at lightning speed, or that would be an impossible task.

  My computer was already on and I had opened the word processing program I used. The monitor glow was comforting as I sat down to construct the minutes. I typed quickly, my fingers flying across the keyboard making slight clicking noises as I did so. Words appeared on the screen and I formatted them to the exact specifications Mr. Roth had indicated years ago he wanted. I knew already that it would not be enough to please him. My efforts rarely did.

  The words flowed like water from a faucet. I was putting the finishing touches on the minutes when my phone rang. It had been quiet for so long, the sound startled me. The caller ID announced that Debra Salas was calling. Picking up the handset and placing it to my ear, I propped it onto my shoulder and continued to type.

  “This is Leila,” I announced to the caller.

  “Ms. King, I just wanted to let you know it is quarter to five. I know how you get buried in your work and thought I would remind you that I had permission to leave a few minutes early so I can get my daughter to her dental appointment.” She finished speaking and waited for my response.

  She was right, I had not realized how quickly time had gone by and it was almost time to end this nightmare for the day.

  “Thank you Debra, I appreciate that. I do indeed get distracted by my work, but had not forgotten your request. Have a great day and drive safe. It’s a jungle out there.” I smiled despite the fact that she could not see my face. I hoped my tone carried my message across.

  “I will. Thank you again.” She paused and I could tell she had something else to say, so I waited for her to continue.

  “If it means anything to you Ms. King, you are the most professional and efficient assistant I have ever witnessed. I know you must feel like the whole world is against you with the way some people respond to you. I just wanted you to know that, some of us notice.”

  Her words brought me comfort indeed. I was pleased to hear that at least someone recognized and appreciated my work. Not the person who should, but someone.

  “Thank you Debra, I do appreciate your kind words. I will see you in the morning.” We said our farewells and I hung up the phone. A smile was frozen on my face. I worked so hard to be the best assistant anyone could ask for, but found it impossible to make the one person who should be satisfied with my work see that. It did help to get some recognition and I knew my work was good. Her words were encouraging and more than ever, I was determined not to let Mr. Roth have victory over me.

  I finished the minutes and saved them to my computer before printing them out. The printer spat out several sheets of paper and I grabbed them carefully as not to wrinkle any page. After reading the words over one more time, satisfied with my work, I signed the bottom of the last page.

  “Respectfully submitted, Leila King; Executive Assistant.” My standard salutation. I placed the pages into a manila file folder and gathered my personal belongings. Keys in hand, I switched off the overhead lights on my way out the door and exited my office.

  Attempting to walk quietly, I neared Mr. Roth’s office and placed the folder in the inbox that was mounted to the right of the double doors. I could hear Mr. Roth talking adamantly on the phone through the door. I decided not to interrupt him to announce my departure. Perhaps I would pay for that later, but after the hellish day I had endured, I was willing to take that chance.

  The ride downstairs in the elevator had to be the best one I had ever had. I could not wait to get clear of the domain of Mr. Gordon Roth and back to the safety of my own world.

  When the elevator stopped, I exited swiftly and made my way back to the parking garage. My humble car waiting for me to carry me away from one life into the next. I had but to get inside. I slid into the driver’s seat and exhaled loudly. Almost too loudly as I swore it echoed throughout the parking garage. I started the engine and began to guide myself through the streets in the direction of my apartment.

  Traffic was bad, but I did not mind at all. I sat in bumper to bumper with a smile on my face. The radio played in the background as I made my way through the concrete jungle. Finally reaching my exit, I guided my car along the surface streets to my apartment building. It looked more inviting than ever before.

  I parked my car carefully among the other residents and walked into the apartment building. A multi-story building made of red brick with ivy growing along the shady sides of the structure. It reminded me of a castle. A fortress that kept out intruders that may wish to do me harm. Climbing the stairs to my floor, I made my way down the hallway to my domicile. The key sliding into the lock meant that I was almost safe. I turned the key and let myself inside.

  I paused a moment to allow my eyes to a
djust to the darkness before moving. The darkness yielded after a few seconds and I blinked my eyes several times. On the floor slightly in front of the door was my pile of mail. The postman had delivered it through the slot in my door as he did every day. I bent down and picked up the pile and began to sort through it as I walked slowly toward the dining area.

  A handful of junk mail and advertisements, the electricity bill, my credit card statement. Nothing out of the ordinary. I almost put the pile down on the table when I saw something sparkle in between the local restaurant coupons. Fishing it out, I discovered a very fancy envelope the likes I had not seen. I let all the other items fall to the table and kept it in my hand. It was indeed a different sort of envelope. I began to examine it closely, my curiosity growing as each second passed.

  I held the envelope in my hand and I stared at it. It was hand- made parchment with gold leafing on the edges. On the back flap was a wax seal. Crimson red wax molded into a circle with a cursive “R” in the center of it. I had never received such an envelope. The detail that someone had gone to in order to create it fascinated me. I turned it over and my breath caught slightly. On the front of the envelope, written in gold leaf ink, were two words: Goddess Leila.

  Very few people knew me by that name. That part of my life remained on high-security lock down. But the words stared back at me, letting me know that someone did. I turned the envelope back over, hesitating for a few brief seconds before breaking the carefully placed seal over the closure, the red wax splintering away as I did so.

  The paper inside was also hand-made. Made of the same carefully created parchment, hints of gold flecks throughout the single sheet I had revealed when breaching the red “R.” As I read, my nervousness turned swiftly into elation.

  Dearest Goddess,

  It has been so long since we have had an adventure together and here is what I propose. I entrusted you with secret knowledge I dare assume you still use. Your skills honed to a fine craft that mirrors my own. Of that I am very proud. This letter serves as your official invite as I have finally fulfilled my own fantasy .

  The Red Velvet Room is now open for business! All the talking and fantasizing about it have finally come to fruition and I would love for you to come witness our creation. Ultimately it is our creation since you helped foster the very idea of this venue.

  Come visit us if you will. The Red Velvet Room welcomes talent such as yours and it would give me great pleasure to see you in action once again, my creation. Directions are on the reverse of this notice.

  Please don’t keep me waiting too long Goddess, you know how impatient I can become.

  Waiting with baited breath,

  Master Jason

  A smile found its way to my lips. Despite the horrendous day I had, I found it easy to do so once again. Master Jason. I haven’t seen him in ages and he has requested I come witness his creation, and mine. Now that would be fabulous. I turned the letter over to reveal the directions to the Red Velvet Room. Along with them was a date, the coming Saturday, June 4, 2015 was the grand opening! I quickly went over my schedule in my head for the rest of the week and realized I had nothing planned this weekend. Wonderful news. I carefully folded the letter and placed it back into the finely crafted envelope. I set it down on the table behind my sofa and continued to the kitchen.

  I suddenly felt terribly thirsty. Master Jason always had that effect on me. The way he handled his instruments with such precision, I remember him showing me how to hold a crop properly, so as not to injure my delicate feminine wrist. A faint odor of leather and sweat came to me as I recalled the hours we spent together, the time he took to teach me everything he knew. I retrieved a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. Drinking deeply, the memories of a time long-past flooded my consciousness.


  It was like it was yesterday, so clear in my mind. My best friend Kendra and I entering the large hotel in anticipation of what was to come. Kendra wanted me to meet her friends so badly, she just knew we would get along. Perhaps she saw something in me that no one else did, a sense of power waiting to be unleashed. With the right influence, it surely would be.

  Walking through the lobby, I was nervous. I had no idea what to expect, or what would happen to me there, but I was sure it would change me. The marble floors and columns were lined up along the walkway as if they were channeling those arriving to the elevators that would carry them to their destinations. Bright brass trim on dark wood panel doors slid open, beckoning us inside.

  We stepped in and the doors closed swiftly. I watched Kendra press the 12 button glowing on the panel of numbers waiting to instruct the elevator where its passengers would like to go. The car started to rise and once we cleared the roof of the main floor, the glass on the outside of the elevator shaft allowed us to see outside while we were being carried to an uncertain future. In the distance, I observed a bird fly across the sun. Don’t fly too close , I said to myself, you will get burned . The elevator came to a sudden stop and the door pinged as it slid open. A long hallway greeted us as we stepped out to meet our fate.

  Kendra led the way down a long corridor that was lined with dark wood doors. A stark contrast against the brightly colored wall paper. I often wondered why hotels did that. To me, the large floral prints and bright, obnoxious colors just made a place look cheap and gaudy. Like a brothel welcoming its customers. We came to a stop in front of a set of double-doors at the end of the hallway. Room 5150. That seemed so appropriate, I almost laughed out loud. I almost stopped Kendra from knocking on the door. A sense of fear trying to take control of me. I resisted the urge and watched as she rapped three times loudly on the wooden surface.

  A handsome gentleman opened the door. His gaze met mine briefly before he quickly averted his eyes. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and a leather harness with several large rings attached at intervals along the length fastened securely to his chest. I noticed he had a thick, leather collar on with another large ring protruding from the front.

  He seemed to recognize Kendra and stepped aside quickly to allow us to enter. I felt the energy in the air change immediately after crossing the threshold. An almost audible crackling of electricity in my ears as I passed the half-naked centurion and he closed the door behind me. I heard the sound of metal grinding on metal behind me as he turned the locks and secured the opening.

  In the front room of the very large suite, I noticed a long table with numerous items laid out in perfect rows. Dark leather, flashes of metal, bright-red silky rope. I tried not to become frightened as we passed through the room and into the adjacent sleeping area.

  Sitting proudly erect on the bed was a large man with dark hair and eyes. An almost forbidding look etched into his features as he looked up when we entered. He was a handsome gentleman with masculine features, his intense eyes examining us as we approached.

  Kendra went quickly over to him and greeted him with an extended hand.

  “Master,” she breathed. Her voice taking on the sound of an obedient child. He folded her hand into his large palm and I was embarrassed to see him snap the fingers of his free hand and point toward the floor. Kendra immediately complied. Her gaze turning toward the ground as she carefully lowered herself to her knees.

  The man did not let go of her hand, rather, he used it to pull her closer to himself. Turning toward her I was a little horrified to see him reach with his other hand and unzip the fly of his pants. He pulled out his already erect penis and pointed the tip toward my friend. Unsure that what I was seeing was real, I could not tear my gaze from the scene unfolding before me.

  The dark-haired gentleman quickly grabbed Kendra by her long, blonde hair and forced his phallus into her mouth without saying a word. She complied immediately, taking his length without argument. I watched as he forced himself deeper and withdrew repeatedly until he shuddered with his release, shoving himself inside the warmth of her mouth as he did so. He held her there for so long, I thought she would suffocate.
I saw her tap the back of his thigh twice and he released her. Both of them panting loudly as he did so. Kendra gasped for air and the color began to return to her face. She did not look up at me.

  I became acutely aware that the man was now staring at me. Dark eyes boring a hole into my soul. I cleared my throat and tried to appear as if I were not completely mortified by what I had just witnessed. He looked me up and down in a predatory fashion that made me uncomfortable. It occurred to me that Kendra was still kneeling before him, waiting for permission to stand. He said nothing to her and walked around her, heading across the room toward me. She remained obediently in place.

  Master Jason stood in front of me. Almost too close for comfort. I detected the faint odor of expensive cologne. I attempted not to recoil as he reached his hand out toward me. I extended my hand and he grasped it firmly, shaking it with an eagerness that I could detect beneath his commanding persona. Like a young boy who finally got to open the gifts that lay under the tree every night until Christmas day had finally arrived. In my mind, I could see him jumping up and down jovially, clapping his hands together in anticipation.

  “I’m Leila,” was all I could manage. I was still struggling to comprehend what I walked into. Trying to wrap my mind around what lay in store for me that day, I shook his hand back, trying not to appear bewildered and afraid.

  “Leila,” came out of his mouth as a sigh. It sounded more like he said Leighlaaah. He broke eye contact with me to look me up and down. Licking his lips slightly as he did so. An obvious subconscious act that made me feel like I was a piece of butcher’s meat being inspected by a would-be customer for purchase and consumption.

  “It is so wonderful to meet you, Kendra has told me many wonderful things about you,” he had not let go of my hand and I could feel the moisture begin to build between our palms as I stood in discomfort. “I hope the drive was good. Would you like a drink? I am told you are a Gin and Tonic girl.” He raised his other hand and snapped in the direction of the young man who had opened the door and ushered us in to the foreboding domain of Master Jason.